Monday, July 24, 2006

The joyous mind

The joyous mind is the mind without turbulence. It is the mind which is clear, the mind which wakes up in the morning and looking out of the window through the interstices of the green mango tree's umbrella, takes in the squirrel darting to no end with incredible dexterity on the tips of air, and then carries past the dancing leaves, the swaying branches and the still and stately trunk into the blue sky which has been whitewashed because it has rained overnight as if the gods themselves wept with joy. The joyous mind sees in the sky the reflection of itself and it understands, no it comprehends the enormity of it all, the supermagnificent enormity of it all. The joyous mind is happy because it is joyous. The joyous mind is the mind at peace with itself, it is the serene mind. The joyous mind is joyous for a moment or two but it is enough.


Unknown said...

You have a nice way of writing the stuff. Very descriptive, I must say. You never like to say a thing straight do ya? It always has to be from some kind of obtuse the one you have written about the joyous mind..

Didn't understand a word of it.. was wondering why you wrote it in the first place.. was it a need to write or was it simply a need to get the hell out of the city..

But must say ur words are pretty infectious

madhavan said...

Dear Mickeymouse,

I am not surprised you didnt understand a word of it. I dont understand any of it either.

Problem is I cant write anything straight even if I want to, mainly because I have a crooked brain
(ok, that was a sad attempt at a joke, but you can still give a polite smile)

Anonymous said...

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