Tuesday, February 07, 2006

to whom every shade is darkness inviting

to whom every shade is darkness inviting
who sees not the solace that comes with it
whose every utterance is a cry
but who denies this
and silently prays for reprieve, any reprieve
but is too proud to speak, to voice it
and too much in pain to listen
how can anyone not see her blinding ache
how can anyone not hear her silent clamour
and yet no one does
except me

who takes all to be affront
and on chariots of hurt
spurns every hand that reaches out
imagines slights where smiles are
and strikes at the arrogance of compassion
who persists in this drama of doom
this drama self-willed, abhorred but played
how does anyone get through this wall
even the happy gods, those tireless ones, give up here
not me, i do not


J said...

y is the title of ur post and the phirst line of ur post generally the same?

madhavan said...

seemed the natural thing to do. in fact, never thought of titles at all. why? should they be different? and why dont your posts have titles?

J said...

u said it
i dont see the point in having titles most of the time
so most of my posts dont have titles

BUT... a title repeating itself in the first line of the post, is a cardinal sin... it's an atrocious waste of e-space.

Ravali said...

its ok madhavan, i am on your side. i like titles. false ones, ones that repeat. i like repetition. over and over and over again. like echo. do you know the myth of narcissus and echo. if you don't, read it, over and over again.

btw, who is this girl. did you crack her skull open yet and see why she is the way she is? she seems cool.

madhavan said...

J: dont see how it matters so long as i am not paying

ravali: she's just another nut in the long illustrious line of nuts that i know. btw, what's up with that guy whose shoulder you use as a pillow during class

Blue Athena said...

darkness can lend solace too
in fact, most times
it is in the dark
that she feels her wounds
and applies that balm of peace
no one, not even she can see

Nice Mads. I like this. :)

Ravali said...

so many nut cases around here. i try my best to make my way through this crowd od nuts unnoticed. avoiding him. plus, don't go to lectures now, stay home and sleep surrounding myself with soft pillows. i im'ed him. he got scared! didn't want to talk to strangers i guess. then asked me how i got his screen name. i told him who i was and made him recollect the organic chemistry class incident. he was like " ohhhh. cool cool. so what new babe?" BABE!!!!? psshhh, i should have stuck his head in the paper shredder for having teh audacity to call me BABE!!!!! but i just said , "new my foot!!" he got scared of talking to strangers? pssshhh, i lost all interest. left him there.

J said...

i read ur poem only now :p
its actually a nice one, esp since it's coming from u.

madhavan said...

Blue: did you like what i wrote or do you like what you wrote just now...hee hee

Ravali: I get this felling that you are making up this whole thing and adding details on the way. And I am going to call you Babe from now on, Babe. Or would you prefer Baby

Neetika: Old whine in new bottle. And buddy? I thot we had something more and special going on between us. dont break my heart, o baby. ya ya u too. all 18-yr-olds are baby henceforth

J: To any other person - 'esp comin from u' - wouldnt have sounded so delicious. But, since you are my dearest nut, I will take the compliment. i remember u also wrote somethin nice in 1999

Ravali said...

fine! be like that. don't believe me. see if i care. i gtg now, i have my first organic chemistry exam tonight at 9:40 pm. means less than 12 hrs to study. hahaha this will be fun.

madhavan, mark my words. if i don't get at least 90% in this exam ( who am i kidding?!) I will forget the whole thing. i am not even goign to bother writing MCAT's. I will just go change my major to architecture and build my own medical school and go marry RHS.95X

k leaving now, time for suprabhatam.

Anonymous said...


Probaly u will find this new link even better.


Check it out.

Aparna Ray said...

Beautifully written!