Friday, March 13, 2009

Within every woman was once a bird aflutter

White feathers poised for possibilities
Liquid eyes wondering at the great beyond
Inciting her to that unknown flight
Over the walls of mind, womb, man and god
To whiten, in the wake of her white feather flight,
The ink of the lines that they wrote for her

Within every woman was once that bird almost free
Inside every man is a cage


Ravali said...

why would you feel that? men don't have cages inside, do they? maybe their spirit is more like the branches to build nests upon.

indiana said...

could be he is trying to say, a woman once was free but is caged later in life for whatever reason, but man (looked upon as an animal!!:-)), has mostly been outside his cage, maybe even a predator!!

Ravali said...

maybe, but I can't see much of a difference between man and woman.

indiana said...

sad but true!. without getting into debate!

Blue Athena said...

This is just soo beautiful.

Interlunar said...

Irrespective of how anyone (else) puts or tries to state otherwise, its quite true.

Women submit. They decide to stop. They decide which cage to pause by, which cage to live in. Gilded or guarded with silken streamers, the cage exists.

The flight is never the same. It could be, or even better. Perhaps it stays so, for a while. But then, inherent gender traits do pop up, do intervene.

Even the merriest of twosomes have something ailing inside them. Can men and women ever truly be happy, together?